Changing the game
through knowledge-sharing, research, education,
evaluation, and—above all

Current Research Projects

  • Developing a Comprehensive Understanding of Participation in Adapted and Para Sport or Recreation and Concussion and Injury Rates Experienced by the Individuals Taking Part
  • Adapted Physical Activity Camps and Programs: A Mixed Methods Project

Why get involved in our research?

Calgary Adapted Hub partners are committed to providing quality inclusive and accessible sport and recreation programming. With your input, we can maximize existing programs and create bold new ones that are evidence-based and leading-edge. Together, we’ll test new ideas and see what works best when it comes to providing relevant, responsive programs in support of children, youth, and families living with disabilities. We’ll also pave the way for sport organizations in cities across the country to follow suit.

Share your experience to help shape the delivery and development of inclusive and accessible sport and recreation programs in Calgary. Your voice matters!