Changing the Game

To access our 2021-2022 Annual Report, click here: CalgaryAdaptedHub-Annual21-22
In 2021-2022, Calgary Adapted Hub powered by Jumpstart forged powerful connections with 35+ local adapted sport and recreation organizations to align schedules and share information and resources. CAH has increased the amount of adaptive equipment and disability-inclusive options in our community. Thanks to Jumpstart, we’ve lessened the burden of high operational costs stated as a barrier by sport organizations. We’ve improved their ability to provide quality, inclusive experiences for all participants.
We will answer the call to build equitable, diverse, and inclusive spaces, programs, resources, and we won’t do it alone. Our sincere thanks our partners – The City of Calgary, MNP Community & Sport Centre, Mount Royal University, Sport Calgary, University of Calgary, Vivo for Healthier Generations, WinSport, and of course Jumpstart, for the immense and constant support. Furthermore, we’d like to thank to the many devoted staff, coaches, parents, care providers, partners, and volunteers who play a valuable role in ensuring all children, regardless of ability, have the opportunity to be active.
To get involved with Calgary Adapted Hub powered by Jumpstart, email us at
December 20, 2022 | Reports